Sun, Jan 31 2016 - Grave-ish Run: Tombstones, Cabbage & Beltline (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Stacey Johnson, Tom
Participants:Tom, Stacey Johnson, Alan Seitman, Mike T., Jennifer Miles, Lev

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Write Up:

We had a very nice run this morning through Oakland Cemetery.  We visited Margaret Mitchell and Bobby Jones' graves before winding our way through Cabbagetown to the Krog Street Market.  We stopped at the Krog Street Market for water and a bathroom break.  We proceeded on to the Beltline where we ran to Piedmont Park, did a loop around the park, then headed back the same way.  We had tons of art and graffiti along the way and we stopped to take some pictures.  We did 9 miles total and had a great group of folk; Lev, who was an awesome trooper who's never done a trail run before, Jennifer and Mike, fairly newbys to the AOC,  and seasoned runners, Alan, Tom and Stacey.   What a beautiful, warm, winter day for a morning run!