Sun, Feb 28 2016 - Bit o’ a Hike at West Palisades (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Lyndsay
Participants:Joy, Rich, Juan Villalobos, Bo, Lyndsay, Sharon H, Jackie C, Gayle M., Lynn A, Sharon Baldwin, Karin

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Write Up:

It was a lovely day for a lovely hike! The temperatures reminded us that spring is on its way, and that put an extra "spring" in our step! We were happy to have Lynn joining us for her first hike with the club, as well as Joy and Bonita who had only done a couple of other hikes with us. Of course, we had plenty of "old pros" too, and that made for a great day.

We started down the paved trail, taking our first opportunity to go up the hill. With it being a short hike, we didn't go too far. We took our first turn back to the river to enjoy the views there. Surprisingly, the rain had parts of the path still a bit wet and muddy, but that didn't deter us! We continued through the few squishy spots and had a wonderful time. Once we met back up with the paved trail, we turned to grab a few more minutes of walk time before heading back to the cars.

All in all, it was a great day. Thank you to everyone who made it a blast!