Sun, Oct 26 2008 - Stone Mountain Trail Cycling (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Ben Taratoot, Dusty C.
Participants:Ben Taratoot, Dusty C., Lynn B, Ali, Amy

Write Up:
It was cold enough early Sunday morning that had those with more common sense and less sense of obligation than their (apparently insane) trip leaders canceled, I would have completely understood.

We met at the Carter Center at 9am, which, though it was buzzing amidst a well-attended 5K, had no obviously accessible restrooms to speak of, not that we would've been inclined to shed our layers upon layers of spandex and fleece and micro fiber and glove(s) and our other I'm-an-idiot-cycling-in-the-cold technical accessories before warming up, anyway.

We soon learned how hard it was to stop and start every 200 yards to cross busy intersections while our muscles contracted in rebellion from the cold, and how much fun bicycling through 5K walkers intent on taking up the entire trailway could be.

We zigged and we zagged; we sped and we lagged. Someone bit it in the soft grass dodging folks at the 5K finish line. Someone on fat tires turned back a few heartless hills in. Someone discovered it was more fun whizzing down the path with brakes than without. Someone else showed everyone up on their hybrid. :)

Unlike the easy Silver Comet, there were heart pounding hills and hairpin turns and sections of heavily-trafficked roadway. Two-lane 'trail' gave way to narrow, overpass-hugging sidewalk. Skeezy men leered at us from picnic tables near the restrooms. All in all, despite the 'frankly unremarkable' scenery, it was pretty freakin' cool, though I wouldn't want to ride it alone, or in the dark.

We all agreed we were glad to be riding with someone who'd done the trail before. After opting to forgo the optional loop around the mountain in favor of being five miles closer to lunch (always a plus) we retired to El Myr (Rhymes with Beer) for cold, frothy beverages and veggie burritos—and fish tacos—and quesadillas as big as our heads, and the best alternative lifestyle people-watching in the city.