Fri, Aug 12 2016 - Pre-dawn Peak of Perseid Meteor Shower + Hike at Mason Mill Park (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Charlie Cottingham
Participants:Emma, Maria U, Dani M, Anu Seam, Laura V, Mark, Charlie Cottingham, Janelle, Lyndsay, Huiling, Gena

Write Up:

We AOC "early bird" skygazers felt very lucky between 5 and 6 o'clock this morning to get to see several dozen bright meteors streaking in every direction from their "radiant" high above us in the constellation Perseus.
  Even though the forecast had predicted 70% cloud cover we were fortunate to have mostly clear skies.  We enjoyed relaxing supine together on yoga mats, etc. on the PATH Trail's dark-sky deck for more than an hour, marveling at the meteor display and other wonders of the night sky.
  Six of us then hiked together in the morning twilight to Medlock Park, and en route back took an adventurous detour to explore a hairpin loop of the main creek.  It was fun having new members Emma, Dani and Maria join us
 as their very first AOC event - then after the hike we enjoyed showing these "3 amigas" the Mason Mill Park "Community Garden" where I grow tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, herbs, etc.  We look forward to see y'all again at our AOC annual summer picnic next Saturday and on other upcoming Club outings!  - Submitted by Charlie, 8:30 AM Friday