Sat, Oct 15 2016 - Key swap Hightower Gap - Woody Gap 11.8 (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Lisa, Wynn
Participants:Lisa, Wynn, Tricia S., SusanF, Aaron, Emily, Andrew, Joyce T., John aka Comrade, Mike T., Eric, Morgane, Sunae, C. Hopper, Jean

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Write Up:

Another superb day on the Appalachian Trail. Team Wynn started at Hightower Gap after a wild, convoluted drive including two bumpy gravel forest service roads. Despite the chilly morning, the group warmed up fast upon immediately climbing over 300 feet. Descending into Horse Gap, they tackled a steep unrelenting climb with sharp switchbacks to the peak of Sassafrass Mountain. Descending 440 feet over the next mile, they hit Cooper Gap and rollercoastered over Justus Mountain before hearing the greeting cries of Team Lisa.

Stopping for a lunch break, the two teams shared food and trail stories - and executed the all-important key swap - before continuing along. Team Wynn powered through undulating dips and bumps before cresting Ramrock Mountain at mile 10. They rolled up and down before reaching Team Lisa's vehicles at Woody Gap.

Meanwhile, Team Lisa did all that. Backwards. With their eyes closed. JUST kidding, but we did have the steepest climbs at the end of our day, saving Sassafrass Mountain for last but certainly not least. We also made some new trail friends, Brent who was back on the AT after his 2008 thru-hike, and Michael, an ex-military adventurer who started the group Hike Out PTSD which helps fellow veterans find peace through nature. Pushing ourselves up out of Horse Gap, we made our way out to the welcome sight of Team Wynn's cars.

As luck would have it, our designated meeting place was the site of the annual Gold Rush Days, Dahlonega's largest festival of the year which celebrates the town's 1828 discovery of gold. We took our chances on the crowds, parking alongside the road and walking (more walking!) to the public square which was transformed by over 300 art exhibitors and food vendors. We daringly darted across the parade route, pelted by candy tossed from John Deere tractors, and made our way to the relative calm of Gustavo's pizzaria. Here we enjoyed pizza, wraps, salads, and well-earned beverages before heading back out through the square. We strolled back through the festival before swapping the keys back and heading home. 

Since there was no clear winner of the key swap, perhaps a rematch is in order... Stay tuned!