Sat, Feb 24 2018 - 2018-02-24 Saturday Fitness Hike at Cochran Shoals (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Bill Wey
Participants:Bill Wey, Grace, Tom, chunmo Son, Jennifer W, Neil, Laura V, Eva, Bret Block, Mark P, Gary Babiarz

Write Up:

2018-02-24 Cochran Shoals 6.4 miles. Weather is sunny in the 70s today. We hiked the sections of Interstate North and Columns Drive at Cochran Shoals CRNRA with a fun group of 11 for 6.4 miles in 2 hours. Went there early to run 6.6 miles with Grace, and Tom did 12 miles before we started our hiking. It’s a beautiful day along the Chattahoochee River with great company!