Sat, Apr 14 2018 - BYO-Boat & Shuttle (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Horhay
Participants:Kathy King, Horhay, Joe Baiyor, Jeff G, Luke Warren, Jenny, Sue, Glenn A

Write Up:

WHAT A PERFECT DAY FOR THE WATER - the anti-rain dances worked!! We had thrills, we had chills and unfortunately we had one spill...but it was that dern mud at Gerrards Landing that almost took Kathy out, not the fast moving waters of the Chattahoochee!! MEGA KUDOS out to her for continuing on, she is quite honestly the single toughest gal I've ever met! During our 4-hour tour we saw tons of wildlife ranging from a low flying Barred Owl to nesting Blue Herons, to hundreds of turtles, Pilated Woodpecker, Kingfishers, Swallows of all types, turkey vultures (jamming out to some live music at Riverside Park) and even some trout ;) The car/boat swaps worked out well, but I know we can do better - might enlist the help of Uber next time, we'll see...keep a weather eye out for my next post! Until then cheers!