Sat, Feb 29 2020 - Kennesaw Mountain Loop from the Burnt Hickory Side ( 1 pass ) (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Chuck R
Participants:Chuck R, Tamika, John B, Jenay, Luz Maria, Stacey, KP, Gail S, Bob Schindelholz

Write Up:
With an abbreviated briefing, we immediately took off to warm up on Pigeon Hill Trail. The northwest winds were breezy until we topped BK. There we met up with Jeff and Tricia's group, going opposite ways. Once we got to the VC, it was a change of plans; instead of taking the east trail back, we all decided to do the scenic west trail. What a great day for the fields; views from the east and lots of vitamin D. Yes, the trail can provide almost a healing effect, no racing up and down the mountains. We had a few newbies on the hike still getting their trail legs. Jenay is looking good on her hiking skills. Speaking of skills, I want to thank Bob Schindelhotz for taking care of the rear and also for finding that awesome creek crossing that we encountered. Heard some song birds in the woods, spring is coming!!