Mon, Apr 5 2021 - Monday Morning at Charleston Park - with an optional picnic lunch (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): SusanF, Joyce T.
Participants:Joyce T., SusanF, Memphis Russ, Shirley W, Lee W, Gerrilyn, Bobby, Davida, Steve F, Gloria Colley

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Write Up:

It was a 10 on the weather rating for today - - a mild, low-humidity, perfect day to both hike and then have a picnic lunch with views of beautiful Lake Lanier.

There were lots of downed trees throughout the park - - evidence of some strong winds in the past. But all the trails were clear, so the fallen trees were no obstacle for us. And cyclists weren't a problem on this weekday morning. Only a few passed us during out 5.9 mile trek.

We had a couple of very friendly ducks join us for lunch. They were obviously been well-trained by lunchtime visitors! ~ Joyce