Sun, May 9 2021 - Kennesaw Mountain Kolb Farm & Noses Creek Trails (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Mike C
Participants:Hongjie, Lixia, Mike C

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Write Up:

With perfect temperatures for hiking, we did quick introductions and started the hike. The weather being this good as it was and an eight AM start, we passed quite a few runners and even more people walking their dogs. The birds that were out at that time provided a great background to the start of the hike. We saw a group of three deer moving quickly, I was able to get two pictures of one that stopped. Later we came across another deer in the field and I got another picture. We also passed 2 horses and as the smell of honeysucker was perfect as we finished the hike. I don’t think we were expecting a multi-sensory experience.

A special thanks to Hongjie for joining us on his second hike.

