Wed, Aug 4 2021 - Kennesaw Mountain Up & Down +24 Gun Trail (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Mike C
Participants:Mike C, Claudia, Rocky M, Joyce T., Neil, David W., Michael, Ann C., Becky D, Gerrilyn, Dawn F

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Write Up:

We did introductions in the overflow parking lot, stopped briefly at the Visitor Center, and headed up Kennesaw Mountain Trail. At the upper parking lot there was a Georgia Tech truck and trailer doing unmanned drone data transfer testing with another unit at Dobbins. Returning the same way, we came. When we reached the bottom of the mountain, we took the Environmental Trail to the 24 Gun Trail. Arriving at Gilbert Road, we returned by the same route ending up back in the overflow parking lot. It was muggy on the way up and down, nice hiking weather at the bottom of the mountain, and started getting cloudy toward the end of the hike. We missed the rain.

It was a day for the same deer we saw the deer on the way up and the same deer on the way down this time with a young deer with it.

I would like to thank Dawn for joining us on her first hike and the rest of the group for making her feel welcome.
