Mon, Oct 2 2023 - Kennesaw Mountain Kolb Farm Loop Plus (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Mike C
Participants:Mike C, Gary 'L', Mike S, Suzanne

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Write Up:

The morning started sunny and in the high 60’s and ending with temperature in the low 80’s. The temperature was great for hiking. We left the parking lot headed south on the Kolb’s Farm West Trail until we came to Powder Springs Street. There we picked up the Kolb’s Farm East Trail, taking it to the Illinois monument and the restrooms at the parking lot. Leaving the restrooms, we followed the Cease Fire Trail to the Old John Ward Road Trail and returned to the parking lot. Overall, a beautiful day for hiking.

Our distance was 7.2 miles in 2 hours and 46 minutes for a speed of 2.6 mph.
