Sun, Jul 25 2010 - Kennesaw Mountain Power Hike (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Stefan, Danny
Participants:Marshall, David Thompson, patti, Cindy, Terry, Pam G, brenda, Stefan, Ann, Nikita, Danny, d. szekeresh, Sarah, David Frankland, Ralph Howard, Alison W., Marc J., Kathy Malone, Sarath, Tony Theriault, Jon Miner

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Write Up:
Man it was just plain hot during today's hike.  It was fairly nice at 7:30 AM when I arrived, but by 8:00 AM the sun had risen and began to heat the place up.  Nice though that there was a breeze on the tops; however, we were up and down the mountains back and forth, so we got to feel the heat.

Most opted not to do the extra loop, but many did, and I don't think it made it any easier or harder.  At least the extra loop allowed more socializing time.  There's not too much talking when you climb mountains in what seems like 110 degree temps.

We all drank tons of water and got our hikes in though.  Looking forward to the next season change though :-)