Fri, Sep 24 2010 - Joyce Kilmer Slickrock Wilderness (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Danny
Participants:Terry, Scott Campbell, Danny, Steve Hinkle, celeste y, Brad, Jon B

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The event got underway a bit early Friday evening since everyone was early to the carpool.  Drove up to Blue Ridge and took a break at the McDonald's.  From there we headed to Robbinsville, NC to the McDonald's where we met up with Celeste who was coming from Birmingham.  Once we were all together we proceeded to the trailhead parking area, donned our headlamps and backpacks, then headed up the road to the trail.  The moon was nearly full which helped us see in the dark, but it wasn't bright enough to shine the way completely.  Soon we were at the campsite and glad to see that it wasn't already taken.  We set up our tents, talked a bit, then went to bed.  Next morning we got up, fixed breakdfast, broke camp then started heading up the Naked Ground Trail.  The tributaries to the Little Santeetlah Creek were very low or dry, so we began to worry that the spring at Naked Ground would be dry.  Once we reached what we thought would be the last water before reaching Naked Ground (about a mile from Naked Ground), we tanked up all water containers and added about 6 - 8 pounds of water weight to each of our backpacks.  For the record, the spring at Naked Ground was still springing water because Steve needed to tank up there and did.

The weather turned from partly cloudy to cloudy on the way up the Naked Ground Trail.  Because of this turn we decided not to hike out to Stratton Bald but instead head on out to the campsite near the Hangover Overlook at 5,160 ft.  We all went to the overlook to check it out along with the campsite potentials along the way.  We met a few guys from UGA already camped in a good spot.  We spread out a bit, some camping in the trees and others in a grassy field.  Scott found the mother-load of firewood so we all pitched in and gathered up enough wood for a great evening fire.

The views were partly cloudy to cloudy on the overlook.  The Smokies to the north were not visible, but still it was a nice place to hang out and to watch the clouds roll in and out and around.

We toyed around with doing a dayhike to Stratton Bald and back, but when we did the math it showed that it would probably be dark by the time we came back, so we opted out on it.

Scott got the fire going so we sat around it roasting marshmallows, staring at the fire, trying out our favorite seats that we had build, and talking about whatever came to mind.  Took a couple of trips out to the overlook because it was there and to see a very partial sunset.  The three UGA guys bailed on their campout we think because they were concerned about the impending rain chances.  The fire burned on, and the sprinkles came and went and came and went.  Never did it rain very much at all Saturday evening during the fire time.

Eventually, everyone called it a night.  At some point Sunday morning it began to rain steadily.  All of us seemed to be trying to wait it out, but by about 8:00 AM it was clear that the rain was not going to stop, so it was time to start making breakfast from your vestibule or any way you could.  Before long a tarp was hung and packs starting to stack underneath it.  About the time everyone broke down their tents the rain let up and it started to clear up a bit.  It was time to head back to the overlook for another look.  This time the Smokies were opened up to us.  This lasted about 20 minutes before it was shut down by thick cloud cover.

Soon everyone was ready so we took down the tarp and started heading out.  Rain came back and stayed with us the rest of the day.  Still it was a nice hike down the Jenkin's Ridge Trail.  Joyce Kilmer Slickrock Wilderness held true to its name by making it a slippery trip down the trail.  The blowdowns from 3 years ago are still very plentiful on this trail and make it hard to go either direction on it.

Before long were were back at the cars with our loop completed.  It was a great group of hard-core, non-complaining backpackers that took whatever nature threw at them with a grain of salt.  I enjoyed every minute of it and I hope that the others did too.
