Sat, Aug 31 2013 - Amicalola Falls to Springer Mountain Shelter (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Matthew Ballard
Participants:Myra Kincaid, Matthew Ballard, SherryO, Chuck M, Steve Birger, Jackie Ernst, Ron Richardson, Keith C

Write Up:

We had a fun weekend with a wide range of weather from sunshine and blue skies to light rain and thunder followed by heavy rain accompanying us on our trip up to the Springer Mountain shelter. The rains subsided long enough for dinner and a camp fire even if it wasn’t as impressive and the Boy Scout group’s fire as I was told... numerous times. While enjoying the small dancing flames we shared stories and smores but once we were sung in our tents, tarps, and hammocks the rains returned with a brief and thankfully safely distant light show in the sky.  The weather on our hike out was uneventful with only a small bit of light rain. I got the pleasure of hiking with several new to me members of the club and learned about some inspiring and interesting stories from Jackie’s career field. I also found that Chuck has great skills at crafting his own gear which are truly impressive and Keith can even be so quiet you would hardly know he is there. Thanks to all who helped make this trip fun and memorable.