Summit Sunsets Ep. 26 - Return to Yonah - Wed, Jan 23 2013

REGISTRATION REQUIRED: Once you've reviewed the event details, and decided you'd like to join us, you MUST sign up at the bottom of this page.

Summit Sunsets Ep. 26 - Return to Yonah

The Basics:
Event Type:Hike
Event Location: Cleveland, GA   Hike: Summit Sunsets Ep. 26  - Return to Yonah  National Weather Service Forecast
Date(s) & Time:Wed, Jan 23 2013  1:45 pm >> Wed, Jan 23 2013 8:00 pm  (Carpool Departure: 12:00 pm   *log in for location*)
Registration Opens: Sun, Jan 20 2013 9:35 pm
Registration Cut Off: Wed, Jan 23 2013 9:00 am
Event Duration:6 Hours 15 Minutes
Difficulty Rating:D3: Moderate
Distance:4.5 Miles
Trip Leader(s):
Tony C
Beth H
Email Trip Leader(s)
You must be logged in to get the Trip Leader contact information.
Member Cost:None

Participant Info:
Who's Invited: Members Only, 21 And Older Only
Maximum Group Size:10
Minimum Group Size:3
Number Registered So Far: 9 / 0 (To see who's signed up, log in to the Member Area)
Are Dogs Permitted: Yes


This is another in the Summit Sunset Series where we will enjoy sunsets from some of the finest scenic viewpoints...all on or near mountain peaks.  If you've never had this experience, you don't know what you're missing, so time to find out...

Ok so I was curious how many of these hikes I've done in this sunset series and turns out it has been 25.  I've probably led more to Yonah than anywhere else and I usually visit my favorite GA mtn 4 or 5 times during the fall and winter.  However this year because of various issues with work, getting the flu, etc I haven't been there since October....a looonnnggg absence for me.  But feeling better now and my first hike back in the mtns has to be Yonah sunset.

However I was out of commission for awhile and only have done two hikes in the past two months and both were fairly short and easy.  As a result, I am barely back to D3 shape, so the pace of this hike will be SLOW, especially starting out.  It's still 1500' of ascent, so even at a relaxed pace, you will get a bit of a workout no matter what.   We will probably be hiking up at maybe 1 1/2 to 2 mph.  But it's only 2 miles up so might as well take our time and enjoy it.

There is one stretch where everyone can go at their own pace and this is probably the steepest extended section of the hike, so you can shift it into higher gear there if you want to get your heart rate up.  But besides that it is going to be slow...slow on the way up and slow on the way down.

We will try to time it to be at the top for the sunset and then head down after that.  Keep in mind that if it is a really good sunset with lingering colors, we may be up there awhile after actual sunset time.  We usually head down right afterwards, but if by some chance, it is superb, we will milk every second out of it.

Be sure to dress warm and bring extra layers to stand around and wait for the sunset.  As of the current forecast, the high up there is supposed to be about 48.   Here is the link to the forecast I am using:  Yonah Pointcast

Total distance is about 4 1/2 miles and total ascent is about 1500’.  So a D3, but if you are in solid D2 shape, you can probably handle it just fine because we are going so slow.  

Remember the last 30-60 minutes are on the way down in the dark, so be sure to bring a headlamp or flashlight.

Sunset is at 6:00 PM. So assuming we head down by around 6:15, we should be back to the carpool by about 8 pm (although longer if you stop for dinner official plans for that however.)

Also note, we will alllow two dogs on this one but they must be well behaved and get along with other dogs.

Required Items to Bring:

Winter clothing so you are comfortable being stationary with temps in the 40s

headlamp or flashlight

water and enough food to keep your energy level up

hiking boots or trail shoes

Recommended Items to Bring:
Use our Event Checklists to make sure you have everything you need.
  • trekking poles
  • camera


How to Get There:
Event Directions:

will be provided at carpool and via email for those meeting at event.

Carpool to Event Distance (round trip):130Mile(s)
Carpool Departure Time: 12:00 pm
Carpool Location:   Log in for location
Carpool Directions:   Log in for directions
Carpool Cost: Estimated cost per vehicle for this event is $52.00 using a reimbursement rate guideline of $0.400 per mile. The total amount should be divided by the number of people in the vehicle, including the driver. This is a guideline, not a rule, for drivers but the cost should not be higher unless there are extenuating circumstances.


 The last half mile of the drive to the trailhead is on a well maintained gravel road

If rain is forecast, this event will be rescheduled.

* We encourage all members to follow our Etiquette Guidelines while participating in AOC events.

Cost Includes:


Cancellation/Partial Attendance:   Please review the AOC cancellation policy.