Tue, Jul 14 2015 - Summit Stone Mountain plus optional Yoga (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Michael Johnson
Participants:Michael Johnson, Irena Politzer, Joy Becker, Lori

Write Up:

And then there were four. Some couldn't break away due to work schedules, and some just didn't show up, so the four of us gathered and briefly discussed our situation. We lost our yoga teacher due to an injury. And a severe thunderstorm was approaching. Looking at the doppler, we decided to push up the mountain, since it looked like we had a narrow window of opportunity. We carried our yoga mats with us in the event that we would have enough time after the hike to do that too.

Walking up with the crowds of people, winding down the day with a hike up the mountain, the humidity and heat was cleansing to those prepared. But looking at the faces of many, you could see it was taking it's toll on those determined to attempt something a bit different from their typical routine, as they gasped for air, searching for the energy to summit.

After we summitted, and congratulated Lori for her first time at the top, we started back down, due to the approaching storm to the north. There was a nice warm breeze up there, reminding me why I love being up above the treeline, as the turbulent fluctuation of hot and cold air rush past each other. 

As we approached where I usually take the group for the yoga session, I offered to cancel that portion so that they could get home before the storm hit, but Lori and Joy still wanted to do the yoga and take their chances, especially since that would give more time for the traffic to dwindle.

So as the remaining 3 went over to the rocky outcrop for the yoga session, we were greeted by a lone doe, standing in the perfect spot, looking healthy and beautiful, casting a nice contrast between the healthy brown fur, green trees, white rock, and dark skies, and looking unthreatened by the approach of 3 quiet hikers.

I offered to lead the yoga somewhat reluctantly, since I'm no yoga teacher, but it didn't turn out too bad, considering as I started leading, nobody could hear me, since just at that moment the last train of the day came by, blowing it's horn every few seconds, seemingly operated by a teenager playing a prank on the folks on the mountain seeking tranquility and silence away from the crowds.

After the train passed, we went into our silent places, and listened to the sounds around us, as we breathed deeply. You could hear the cicada's, and birds, and something off to our left, which sounded like a buck deer snorting. Who knows, but the power that comes from breathing deep felt good. We went through the motions of yoga, feeling the power flow through our body, and it was regenerating.

Just as I was about to lead into the final stages of yoga, don't ask me the names, I'm no yoga teacher, there were some lightning strikes that were too close for comfort, so we ended it, and left the mountain.

Thanks for joining me ladies. I felt it was good for the soul and the perfect way to end the day. Judging from all the smiles I saw on your faces, I would say you felt the same.

Thank you,

Michael J.