Tue, Jan 26 2016 - Leita Thompson Morning Hike (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Trish, Joyce T.
Participants:Larry S, Trish, Joyce T., Lisa, Lynn F., Linda H, Milt K, Sharon, SusanF, Jeff Gimpel, Angelika, Melissa P, Ray S, Lynn D.

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Write Up:

Fourteen happy hikers showed up to hike Leita Thompson today. The overcast skies and cold damp air did not discourage us at all.  It only reminded us how lucky we are to get a hike in before the rain.  A dozen hikers did the 5.75 mile distance and half that number met for lunch at Mellow Mushroom. I'm so glad we have each other for encouragement.  Thank you all for showing up! Hope to see you next week.   ~Trish