Thu, Oct 20 2016 - Saving Briarlake Forest: a Thu evening Presentation at the Trees Atlanta Treehouse (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Charlie Cottingham
Participants:Kristi, Charlie Cottingham, Tom Shillock

Write Up:

Thanks to our friendly Trees Atlanta hosts for sponsoring this inspiring save-the-trees "success story."  In his excellent slide show/seminar Richard Marion told the story of how he and a couple of dozen other like-minded DeKalb County citizens rescued a gorgeous 21-acre tract of forest from becoming "just another subdivision."  It's fascinating that none of these people had ever met one another prior to the fall of 2014.  The forest is now a wonderful DeKalb County park supported by dozens of community volunteers including several of us from the AOC.
  Dave Simpson of Trees Atlanta
 invited us to become supporters of his fine nonprofit organization.  Their worthy mission is essentially to ensure that Metro Atlanta's trees - esp. old-growth trees - are protected, and in areas where there are too few trees to plant more - in an appropriate mix of species - and help ensure that they survive for posterity. - Submitted by Charlie, Fri Oct 21st