Sat, Dec 10 2016 - Unicoi State Park to Helen (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Erin B
Participants:John aka Comrade, Ginny, Janet G, Ewa, Bunnie, Erin B, Judy, Tim W

Write Up:

Thank you all who braved the newly cold weather last Saturday (and braved my first solo lead!) for our hike from the Anna Ruby Falls Visitor Center down to Unicoi State Park and then on to Helen. Many of us met at the Mansell Rd Park and Ride and Ginny was kind enough to offer to drive our group up to Helen. Once the cars were parked down the street from Hofer's Bakery, we squeezed in the other vehicles and drove up to the park to begin our hike. While the weather was cold, the sky was clear and a beautiful blue, a great day for hiking. We took a few pictures at the falls, then took the Smith Creek Trail towards Unicoi Park. With only one wrong turn on a switchback that we quickly corrected, the hike went at an enjoyable pace, giving everyone the opportunity to chat with fellow hikers. Once in Unicoi we walked by Unicoi Lake and the very interesting barrel-shaped cabins available for rent in the park. Upon our return to Helen we were greeted with a parade (an unexpected surprise!) so we went to Old Heidelberg at the recommendation of Ewa and were treated to a variety of traditional german fare, and lots of it! A good balance to a long day of hiking. Our trek in total was a little under 9 miles. Thank you all for joining, and please send any pictures you would like added to the photo album.

Thank you!
