Sat, Dec 10 2016 - Saturday Morning Energizing Hike at Gold Branch (All Levels) (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Erica B
Participants:Erica B, Jeanne, Babbie, Holt Ward, Jackie C, Diana, Laura B, Bette, Christina VS, Dennis, Sue M., Van, Aaron Lee, Andi, Mel P, mark mattke

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Write Up:

It was a cozy 27 degrees this morning! However, our dedicated AOC hikers love to hike and joined me at Gold Branch Trail to hike 5 miles in 1 hour and 30 minutes.. Great Job! Our group of 16 included brand new hikers Van, Mike, and Andi as well as some of our newest hikers Holt  and Melanie...Great to meet you guys and welcome to the AOC! In addition to an awesome group of hikers, Gold Branch trail is beautiful this time of year with the changing leaves, ice on the Chattahoochee and the reflection of the sun. Great morning, great hike with a great group of AOC members!