Tue, Feb 20 2018 - Emery Creek Trail and Tearbritches to Bald Mountain (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Ann, Ralph Howard
Participants:Wayne A, Vera N, Ann, Ralph Howard, Laura, Peter Williamson, Nahid

Write Up:

The hike started out in the usual way.  Introductions, gearing up, talking about the hike.  And then it changed - with the first water crossing, or was it the second, maybe the third, perhaps the fourth.  It wasn't long before I succumbed to the frustration of looking for a way over the water (not possible), the frustration of changing out of the boots, it is easy to be annoyed at mother nature - but usually it is because we cannot get outside.  Once I gave up, relinquished the 'newness' of my boots - let them BE waterlogged, once I discarded my NEED to stay dry, I GAVE IN, and then I could be happy.  The squishy sounds of boots, the ease in crossing the water, the joy in the blue sky, the HAPPINESS of other hikers to JUST BE OUTSIDE.  And, they fell (not literally - figuratively in wearing their boots into the water), one by one, Laura first, then Wayne, then me, then Ralph - on the return Nahid and Vera 'gave it up', got wet, enjoyed the water, slip sliding away.  Only Peter kept his boots dry - why is that - he wore water shoes (TEVA's).  Peter is smart, I should be more like Peter.  We did not make it to the top of Bald - who cares.  We did not meet the distance goal - who cares.  We made elevation, tricky water crossings, blue skies, the warmth of sunshine in mountain air.  Incredible water flow and waterfalls EVERYWHERE.  Clear, sparking water.  Cascading water.  Gurgle and splash.  A very good day.