Tue, Feb 20 2018 - Leita Thompson Morning Hike (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Trish
Participants:Trish, Linda H, Suzanne, Lyn S, Memphis Russ, Jeff Gimpel, Steve F, Bob R, Cathy K, Gloria Colley, LindseyW, Bette, Jeff, Janet J, Norm Melton, Lee, Sharon, Leigh B

Write Up:
Well, the weather did not provide the “lovely” hike I promised, but the hikers certainly did. Weather-wise we got foggy, humid and warm air. Hiker-wise, no body dropped before the hike! No last minute changes, no last minute shuffle. Everyone showed up as planned and were their usual charming selves. We even had a small, 16 lb., unexpected guest, Scout. Scout the hiking dog. She did a great job leading our group and keeping the pace. Thank you all for the great workout and may we all sleep well tonight. ~Trish