Sun, Apr 26 2009 - DOG Hike and Training at West Palisades (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Brian Clark
Participants:Brian Clark, Elizabeth F., Paige, Cristina, suzanne, cgrierson, Jackie Gokey, Donna F, Kathy DeLong, Dot Busch, Jeannie Cassidy, James, Anton Hagens, Renee Stein, Todd Zeigler, Ricki Adkins, Andy, Nancy L, Cass

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Write Up:
We couldn't have had a more perfect balmy 82 degree day in April.  From the time everyone started arriving the dogs instinctively knew this event was for them - one look at the river and us dog owners couldn't keep the K-9's out.  After the dogs played for about a half hour in the river we gathered in the field to start our learning portion of the event.  Mailey took the reigns at that point and began our training session.  She provided some basic insight, comic relief, and gave a few of us some tips on the spot.  Everyone seemed to be appreciative of Mailey's time and expertise in helping us all understand our best friend a little better than we had before.  Once we finished the training portion of the event we re-grouped, put away items not needed on the trail, and started our hike.  We decided as a group to make the hike shorter with more frequent stops along the river for the dogs to play in the water and cool off.  The three hours went by very quickly and it appeared that everyone had tired dogs with 'ham tongues' - we did our jobs as dog owners!  Mailey mentioned she would be willing to do another event in the fall - keep an eye out on the calendar after summer.