Mon, May 17 2021 - After Work Paddle - DWMP to the Cliffs and Back (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Horhay
Participants:Horhay, Lisa W, Jim, Lesley, William S., Marina, Gena, Larry Cooper

Write Up:

When you do events like this - you do not need to go to the gym! WOW, what a nice workout this evening! Everyone did a fantastic job slaying that current. The flow was ever increasing as Buford was releasing at 11,000cfs so our 1,200 at DWMP at put-in was elevated to 3,600 as we took out. Hey I told ya it was a non-stop paddle effort ;) for those of us that paddled our creek/ww boats it was an even harder workout, but what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. Plus, it helps justify post-event calories and AB's - it's all part of the plan. Until next time...cheers!