Tue, Dec 27 2022 - Indoor Climbing @ SSK + (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Horhay
Participants:Horhay, Jim W, Sarah, Stacey Schoppenhorst, Francheska, Rebecca, Laura M, Luis

Write Up:

It's been a minute since the AOC hosted a climbing event...3 years and some change (5+ for an indoor event) it was a welcome addition to the line up. With 15 auto-belay routes and 5 belay certified climbers the 8 of us had plenty of options. Major kudos to everyone getting outside their comfort zones 60' up! My neck is almost as achy from watching belays as my arms are from climbing! I hope this inspired others to give it a go and for everyone to check out the $15 belay class - after all you hold your climbers life in your hands...a refresher if you're a lil dusty:  LOL, but in all seriousness...we'll be back out there soon, and look for outdoor climbing and rappelling events being hosted by me soon!

link to SSK's belay class: 

check out a gym by you and join us next time! 

Cheskka Belays