Sun, May 7 2023 - Kennesaw Mountain - Medium to Fast (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Gary Hubert, Jim W
Participants:Stacey Schoppenhorst, Jim W, Gary Hubert, Linda L, Laurie T, Jennie H

Write Up:

It was a lovely morning at Kennesaw and we had six hikers show up to take on the mountains. Once Jennifer had finished graciously helping a wayward citizen pay their parking fee we were off!
Just before the halfway point I did what every trip leader worth their salt does...I was in the lead and I tripped. Fortunately the damages were minor flesh wounds not hindering my ability to carry on. Stacy reported that she took a little tumble as two out of six ain't bad.
Everyone finished in the time we had planned. We all gathered and chatted for a bit before saying good bye and see you soon. Thanks again Gary for your co-lead on this hike.


Thanks also to Jasmine out hiking on her own for her help and repair kit.