Sat, Feb 24 2024 - Panther Creek Falls (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Kip, Mahsheed K.
Participants:Kip, Mahsheed K., LIM Verona (Laura M), Marnita, Mike Mick, Chuck M, Charina, Christa, Clay Davies, Steve T, Nooshin, Fay

Write Up:

Beautiful hike to the falls on Saturday.  Had to wade the creek at one point to stay on the trail.  There were 2 additional easy water crossings.  A few wet feet and muddy bottoms, but everyone had a great time.

Attempted to follow the trail beyond the falls based on the AllTrails map, but it seems to have been eroded away.  We'll explore the area again to see if we can find a way to connect with the remainder of the trail.