Fri, Mar 29 2024 - West Palisades from Paces Mill (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Mike C
Participants:Mike C, Rocky M, Shirley W, Lee W, Claudia

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Write Up:

When we started the temperatures were in the high-30’s and warmed up very quickly, we stopped three times in the first mile to delay. We did the lower loop, stopped at Lighting Rock, continued on the one-way trail going a little further north and returned to the south loop trail, and hiked the trail to the road that was paved for ambulances in the early 1980’s. We turned right to start the upper loop. At the bottom of the upper loop, we turned right on the one-way trail, we went over the bridge before the river to look for beaver holes – may have seen one, we turned the same way we came and we stopped to look at the field that was used for rescue helicopters, also in the early 1980’s. We went north a little further to get a good view of the East Pastides. We returned to the paved trail took a right and proceeded along the paved tail leaving the parking going into Cobb Couty, We turned around at the bridge and returned to the parking lot. It was a great hike, beautiful day, and a great group to hike with.
