Thu, May 2 2024 - Standing Indian Loop (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Chuck M, Mahsheed K.
Participants:Chuck M, Mahsheed K., Kip

Write Up:

We had great weather for this exploratory hike to Standing Indian Mountain. The trail from Standing Indian Campground to the top of the mountain mostly followed a beautiful stream, which involved numerous opportunities to get your feet wet. Most of the trail was flat and soft, a real treat for the feet! Sometimes we were essentially hiking up the stream. But it was very pleasant, and we very much enjoyed it. We returned on a trail through the forest that was far less traveled and not very well maintained. It also lacked the soothing presence of the stream. So we all agreed at the end that it would be better to do this trip as an out-and-back, doing both parts alongside the stream. I definitely want to do this again!
