Sat, Apr 2 2011 - ** Fort Mountain - Beginner / New Member hike (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Steven K, Michelle Spence
Participants:Patty jones, Jess W, Steven K, Michelle Spence, Tiff C, Glenda Coker, Denise O'Neal, LESLIE WEHUNT, Nerissa, Jason W., Heather, Chris WEHUNT, Emily Knight, Maria, Stacey Coker

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Write Up:
Ten members who were on their first AOC outdoor event, along with five experienced ones  joined us for our Fort Mountain - Beginner / New Member hike. After everybody finally arrived ( zero no-shows) we started exploring the two or so miles of trails around the old stone fort. Although the total hiking distance was not too long there was much to see: two sweeping overlooks, the depression era WPA tower and of course the old stone fort.

After completing this we drove a few miles down to the lake at the park. While eating lunch we had each member introduce the themselves, say a little about themselves along with telling how they found out about the AOC. We also had a Q&A session about the club. From there we again drove to the Big Rock Nature Trail where we hiked about another mile. With the recent rains the waterfall along the trail was in full force. And while the total distance hiked was not too long, we did have conditions very similar to those on longer mountain hikes.  We left about Fort Mountain State Park around 3 PM and returned to the park and ride by 4:30.