Sat, Apr 30 2011 - Anderson Springs Cave Trip (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Dianne, Tony Theriault
Participants:Chris Dunn, Tony Theriault, Scott Bennett, Rachel, Katherine Bennett, papi

Write Up:
Nice day on Pigeon Mtn with a great group.  Anderson Springs is definately a wet cave trip.  Quite a few bats checking us out and feasting on newly hatched insects near the entrance.  Lots of large fossils and fossilized coral colonies.  Some impressive formations and quite a variety of stuff to check ot including gypsum chrystals, helectites, racoon track deep in the cave, leopard patterns on the mud floors, some low wet crawls, and fun mud slides in "The Beauty Parlor" section. We spent less than 4 hours in the cave.  Some of the time was checking dead-end passage since we were not familiar with it yet.  

Even with a steep 1+ mile hike down and back from the cave, it is a solid D3 level trip.