Sun, Feb 5 2012 - RIDE DEFINITELY a GO! Gwinnett’s Harbins Park Mountain Biking (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Charlie Cottingham, Harry F
Participants:Harry F, Charlie Cottingham, Debra, Gloria, Kevin, Sara, James, Jorge, Amanda B., Joe, Cris, Jeff B., Bev, kenter N

Write Up:
We 14 AOC single-track riders had a blast together at Harbins Park Sunday afternoon with gorgeous blue-sky spring-like weather and great trail conditions - a perfect example of why it's important not to cancel an event simply when the forecast calls for a high probability of precip.  Indeed Saturday's forecast for Sunday's wee hours was 100% probability, but looking at the detailed forecast we realized that the total rainfall likely wouldn't be enough for to Gwinnett to close their trails - also that the afternoon weather would be beautiful in the high 60s.  That's exactly how things panned out and in retrospect we're so glad we didn't jump the gun by canceling the ride.
  Kudos to Beverly and Sara for being such great sports about their "mutual wetness" after our Cedar Creek crossing.  Also a tip of our helmets to Harry for doing such a great job leading our friendly group and for suggesting exciting extra options - both during and after our main 8-mile group ride.   -Charlie