Thu, Oct 25 2012 - Hike and Costume! (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Lauren, Joyce T.
Participants:Lauren, Joyce T., Lee Wilschek, Aimee E., Cyle Cox, Alison Rhodes, Trena, Agnieszka S, Jim M, Sue, Meredith J., SusanF, Mary S., Stan, Joel Banks

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Write Up:

We looked like a parade as we walked down Woodstock Rd. into the Roswell Area Park.  Both kids and adults stared approvingly as we passed in our Halloween costumes.  We got many "thumbs up" and smiles.  Thanks to all of you who dressed up for the hike.  We had some really elaborate costumes - - and even some of the dogs put on their festive finery. This was Mary's very first AOC event!  I hope we didn't scare you away, Mary!  BOO!