Tue, May 5 2015 - Hike #2 to Celebrate el Cinco de Mayo - Vickery Creek (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Divya N, Joyce T.
Participants:Joyce T., Divya N, Carol, Suzanne, Barbara, Steve A, Arvind, Angela, SusanF, Michael M, Sharon, JAM, Ann, Toffor, Jeff, Lynn F., Katie C, Dusty C., Lisa, Diane

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Write Up:

The temperature was warming us considerably for our second hike at Vickery Creek. We added several other people to this event. Divya's GPS recorded 6.03 miles with 1,316 feet of ascent, which we felt was a solid D3. (Unfortunately, other GPS devices clocked other amounts - - but Divya was our official tracker for the day.) The pace was very "brisk," with just a few stops to allow everyone to catch up. We loved seeing the beautiful flowers in bloom and even encountered a big toad on the trail. ~ Joyce