Tue, Jun 7 2016 - Leita Thompson Morning Fitness Hike (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Trish, Joyce T.
Participants:Trish, Joyce T., Cathy K, Linda H, Jeff, Dan R, Larry S, Jeff Gimpel, Kim S, Meg Schlachter, Liz C, Norm Melton, SusanF, Tim, Erin

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Write Up:

Summer's here and the heat is on it's way, but somehow we snuck in a fairly cool morning hike.  There were fifteen of us with four new(er) hikers.  There was lots of chatter and laughter along the way. We even crossed the stream after a strong rain last night and no one got their feet wet. After hiking we tried Panera Bread for lunch for a change and were very impressed with how they handled our large group so quickly.  We agreed this lunch was one of the best and so it's decided; we'll be coming back!  ~Trish