Tue, Aug 30 2016 - Jones Bridge Hike - After Work (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Mike S
Participants:Mike S, JoAnn, Leo McGregor, LINDA D, Sue M., Gayle M., Tomme, Barbara, Bob R

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Write Up:

Jones Bridge delivered again… a beautiful hike.  We covered the 5.7 miles at a 3 mph pace.  Think it was decided that the pace is fast.  The wild life came out to greet us.  We saw a number of deer, a beautiful buck stood for pictures in the field, as we left the pond a large owl swooped past (too fast for a pic).  Then, at the top of the hill, a fawn stood 15 feet away and gave us a photo op.  Can’t wait to see what we get next.  We could use a better photographer.