Sat, Jun 24 2017 - After-the-Rain Stroll at Roswell Riverside Park plus ArtAround Roswell (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Joyce T.
Participants:Joyce T., Bill T., Liz, Jennifer C, joan, Tory

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Write Up:

Five ladies and Bill enjoyed a lovely walk around Rlverside Park, extending down Riverside Road to Don White Park and the 400 overpass. Along the way we saw 5 pieces of art exhibited as part of the ArtAround Roswell project for 2017.  

We welcomed Joan, a brand new AOC member whose face we hope to see frequently on our area hikes. Also along was Skippy, Tory's Jack Russell terrier, who seemed to enjoy the walk, especially because he got to cool off in a large puddle along the path.

It was great to take advantage of the beautiful skies after several days of rain. Humidity was high, but our leisurely pace helped to keep us from overheating. ~ Joyce