Mon, Jan 1 2018 - 29th Annual New Years Day Trail-of-the-Hare CHEDDARHEAD Hike & Party (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Charlie Cottingham
Participants:Charlie Cottingham, Joy, Jane, Andrey K, Candy, alanpugh, Maya, Larry Cooper, Gerrilyn, Tony O, Andy, DennisC, eric ahlstedt, Dave R, Dennis, Jeff B., Brad G, john everly

Write Up:

A big high-five to our fun-loving AOC members who braved the sub-freezing winter chill and rang in 2018 in such an unusual and unforgettable way!  Hats off to our friends in the "Atlanta Hash House Harriers and Harriettes" for doing their usual bangup job hosting the big annual event with its distinctly Wisconsin flavor, "cheesy" dry humor and even hot fried cheese curds!
We began by helping one another (about 100 of us harriers, a.k.a "hashers") follow the "hare's" tricky trail.  The flour splotches took us through a clever variety of wooded and neighborhood terrain just SE of Roswell. The ~4-mile route this year included a healthy dose of off-trail "shiggy"  - esp. in Gold Branch where we had to jump a few creeks and ascend a steep wooded hill.
Our reward for helping one another reach the end of the trail was
 the big outdoor "On-In down-down" party (this year at the nice clubhouse and swimming pool area of one of the veteran hashers) where three blazing fires were much appreciated to keep us warm.  The copious food and refreshments were delicious as always.
On-On, and Happy New Year to all!  -
 Posted by Dirty Limerick (a.k.a. Charlie) Tue Jan 2nd