Wed, Mar 25 2009 - WE ARE HIKING TODAY!! After work hike - East Palisades (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Brian Clark
Participants:Brian Clark, Larry Cooper, Nancy L, Aaron Lee, Steve Schroer, Rafiq, Jennifer Nacey, Tony M, Janna Parrish, Vaidy, Michelle D

Write Up:
We had a crew of 11 die-hard hikers and 4 dogs trudging through steady rain and mud. Everyone got to test their rain gear and did so with high spirits. We kept an average pace of 3mph+ completing just over 5 miles in an hour and 40 minutes. It was quite a peaceful hike, and we had the whole park to ourselves. There were two park rangers leaving as we were gathering, and even the rangers glanced looks as if we were crazy. All things considered it was a great hike and a great group.