Thu, May 3 2018 - Thursday Morning Fitness Hike at Island Ford (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Carol, Joyce T.
Participants:Joyce T., Carol, SusanF, Larry S, Suzanne, Shirley N, Steve S, Casey, Gloria Colley, Dan R, Lyn S, Dave S, mike hirschmann, Allen D, Bob R, Tracy, Leigh B, DavidV, Nancy, Steve F

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Write Up:

Temps were a little warmer today but that did little to deter this group of hikers!  We ended up changing the hike to a D3 because of the pace and distance we went - over 6 miles:). Our regulars keep on trucking and we heard only a little grumbling!!  Would like to welcome Nancy - this was her second hike with the AOC and she had no problems maintaining the pace.  The trails are now very lush - little resemblance to what it looked like 3 weeks ago.  Leaves and shading are  abundant.  Thanks to all of you for continuing to join us in making Thursdays such a sacred day (I schedule as much as I can around this hike so I don't miss out!). 15 hikers went to North River Tavern after the hike - the price of the "special" has gone up to $6.95 but it's still a great bang for your buck!  Hope to see everyone next week! ~ Carol