Tue, Aug 25 2009 - Gold Branch - After Work Hike (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Denise Van Huss, Danny
Participants:Michelle Duran, Dennis, Michele R, brenda, Pam G, Danny, Beth S, Shane, Allan, Tony C

Write Up:
Got underway at 6:20 and hit the trails at a fairly rapid pace.  It was a strong group.  We took a break at the top of a hill after going more than half way.  After 5 minutes or so, if that, we were back at it circling around and heading back out the same way we came.  The woods were growing darker as we went along, but it brightened up when we got back to the parking lot.  In the end we had gone almost 5 miles at a 3.1 mph pace.  Nice trails back in there.  Great group today!