Sun, Sep 20 2009 - Kennesaw Mountain Morning Fitness Hike - Intermediate to Advanced Hikers (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Danny
Participants:Danny, Diem, Robert Stebing, Alison W., Robert Craig, Jennifer Rush, Jana Miles

Write Up:

Seven hearty AOC'ers decided to enjoy the outdoors this morning despite the rainy weather.  Two changed their minds on the way up Big Kennesaw.  The rest continued on to the parking lot where we almost had to cancel the trip due to a small clap of lightning/thunder.  We carried on though and chose to stay off the top of Big Kennesaw and walk down the road to the trail intersection where we headed to Little Kennesaw.  At the gap between Little Kennesaw and the Big Rock, we decided to take the low trail back to the visitors center.  Jennifer came very close to a 6 foot Black Racer or Rat Snake (Hard to tell the difference, but by the way it was moving. I'd say it was a racer), which was very exciting.  It slithered off rapidly.  All of us noticed how much more vibrant the colors of everything in the woods appeared today due to the rain.  The rain eased up as we crossed the field in front of Big Kennesaw, and we thought it was going to stop just as soon as we completed the event, but it didn't.  It's still raining and this is now 2 hours later.  We had a good time in the rain this morning.