Sun, Sep 27 2009 - Gourd Neck Cave (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Emily Kelcourse, Tom Collins
Participants:Tom Collins, Emily Kelcourse, Chris Kelcourse, Lynn B, Tony Sciarini, Jen Hughes, Brian Clements, EB, Jason Kotz, Elizabeth Deretchin

Write Up:
Hello my fellow adventure seekers!
It was a great pleasure to share the Gourdneck experience with you. While I was shaking in my boots at some points I was still having a blast and could not think of a better group to share the trip with. I'm sure this was not just a new experience for me since harnesses were not used for the first time. What a challenge to climb out of that entrance, except for the few "naturals" that seemed to just float their way out. Tom didn't even use the rope! How was that even possible?! 

I would like to thank Tom for arranging the meet and offering his helping hand(s) whenever needed. I hope to see you all on other exciting excursions again! Thank all of you for being AWESOME!
