Tue, Sep 8 2020 - Roswells Vickery Creek, Covered Bridge, Bleau & Waterfall at 9:30AM (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Memphis Russ
Participants:Memphis Russ, Lee W, Casey, Michelle D, Lynn O., Richard Sims, Jean, Lyn S, DavidV, John B

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Write Up:

Wow!  A simply amazing Trek at Vickery Creek!  Even tho, my camera wouldn't remove its spell on me, we did complete 5.6 miles in 2 hours.  Can you even believe Bleau brought his whole family for the 1st time to our AOC photo shoot (Mrs. Bleau, Bleau & Bleau Jr.)!  We had Lynn visit our regular Vickery Creek for the 1st time.  We enjoy seeing new & regular faces.  It makes for many diverse conversations.  Everyone did keep up, except for one time, the front runners stirred up a little to much dust for the rear to see through, without dropping back.  It was a wonderful weather day, for trekking with new & old friends!  Ya'll come back, real soon!


PS:  Don't forget to see our hike photos by clicking on the photo album, next to our write-up on the AOC home page.  It will take you over to my FB page where the our photos are actually posted.  Tag youself, if you want a picture to reappear on your FB home page.