Mon, Sep 28 2009 - First week of fall hike! (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Angela
Participants:Angela, Larry Cooper, Jana Miles, Michele R, Sunnie, Debbie Degner, Rob Williams, Kathie Snyder, Steve Wilder, Rene Welti, Sonia H

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Write Up:
We had a wonderful hike today with beautiful weather!  The sun was shining, the skies were blue, and a nice breeze kept things cooler than it has been. 

Upon entering the trail, we immediately noticed the area had been affected by the recent flooding of the Chattahoochee River.  There was a brown muck composed of leaves, mud, and other organic matter along parts of the trail.  Further in we saw where limbs and brush had been relocated by the waters.  We wondered how the local wildlife had fared through the past weeks.

The answer came with the sighting of several deer grazing in an open field.  Their tails flitted too and fro as they seemed to be wary of us, but not quite wanting to depart from their meal.  We watched as one fawn frolicked while under the watchful gaze of its mother.  The scene was quite a testament to the resilience of Nature.

Speaking of Nature, our group of good hikers made our way through the trails and back to the parking lot just before sunset.  I think we all made it home in time to see the second part of Ken Burns "National parks" on GPTV!