Wed, Sep 30 2009 - After Work Fitness Hike - Little Kennesaw Mountain Loop (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Danny
Participants:Danny, Steven R, Bernard G, Jon Miner, Alan Stephens, Michelle D, Alan Seitman, Andrew A.

Write Up:
It was a great evening for hiking - very cool and very clear.  We kept a moderate pace and it seemed to already be getting dark when we reached the top of Big Kennesaw.  The days are getting shorter for sure.  We headed onto Little Kennesaw for the 2 minute break at the cannons, then we did the small loop on top of Little Kennesaw.  I forgot to yell "duck" when we dipped under a tree branch and someone in the group got hit with what must has felt like a baseball bat made out of a tree branch.  It seemed fine at first, but then began to bleed pretty well.  After looking at it and applying tissues to get it to clot up, it appeared to look like more of an abrasion than a cut, so he was okay but did get the crap knocked out of him.  I'm not going under that branch anymore - going to the left from here on out.  When we got back to the parking lot on Big Kennesaw, the ranger was getting on the loudspeaker informing hikers about closing down for the day.  We made it down before dark, but I think it's time to back the start time up a bit again.  All in all we had a nice cool hike.