Wed, Mar 24 2021 - Gibbs Gardens Daffodil Colorfest (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Mike C
Participants:Mike C, Rocky M, Marianna, James H., Jan T, Claudia, Becky D

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Write Up:

The weather was warm and cloudy with the sun coming out at the end of the event. As you can see by the posted trace we roamed over the entire Garden. Jan, James, and Marianna were enjoying Gibbs Garden for their first time. We were also told about the Enchanted Garden coming in late April early May that will be located between the Manor House Gardens and the Japanese Garden. 384 pictures, 4 videos later we completed the event or 6.64 miles and 4 hours and 8 minutes. Of these it was hard to narrow it down to 2 maps, 4 videos, and 75 pictures.
