Sat, Mar 27 2010 - 3rd Annual Rock Climbing and Camping at Rocktown! (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): John Bell, Judy Bowers
Participants:John Bell, Judy Bowers, EB, Pam, Jason Kotz, Jessica, Davide Fossati, Scott Campbell, MsKatieHall, Cristy, Denise Millon

Write Up:
Hi All -

Great day yesterday! Thanks for showing up on time and getting our butts moving early on a Saturday morning. So sweet of
Tony to bring the donuts to start the fuel for the days (for those that were looking for it!).  Extra thanks for the patience during the mis-routing on the way to Alabama! Sorry about that guys, appreciate the good humor and great attitudes! (it makes a huge difference)

Pictures galore have been showing up all over Facebook, for a bunch of first time outside climbers you
ROCKED the heck out of those climbs.  We climbed five different routes ranging from 5.6 to about 5.9 and there was that one sandbag 5.7 on the front face that was more of a 5.8+.  Good use of flag technique, laybacks, laughing out loud and hell ya's! 

Special thank you to the set-up crew who made SandRock our personal outdoor climbing gym. It would have been a lot of waiting and chillin out if not for them; instead we were able to rotate from climb to climb and experience a lot in a day. J
ohn, Todd, Daniel and Mike are very much appreciated! Even better, everyone stepped in to belay each other and keep that encouragement going. I tried every climb knowing that someone on the ground would be cheering me up, even it was only a foot or two off the ground. (I am going back to tackle that "5.7" problem!)

We will be having additional AOC climbs as well as private ones this year - it is a passion and a skill that only gets stronger every time you go out.

Have a great week, see you on the rocks!
Judy and John