Sat, Dec 19 2009 - Amicalola Falls Day Hike to Len Foote Hike Inn (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Denise Millon, Scott Campbell
Participants:Denise Millon, Scott Campbell, Mindy Sciarini, Tony Sciarini, Andy, Bill Bodinson, Rich M, Scott Sanders, Suzanne, Jay G, Steve Schroer, Suzie

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Write Up:
The rain/sleet/snow stayed away and for those who like cold hiking, the weather couldn't have been much better. We all hiked at our own pace and at some times got a bit spread apart. We headed up the Appalachian approach until coming to the turn off for the Len Foote Hike Inn. From there, we turned to the Inn for a regroup, lunch break, pictures and host of warm beverages. From there, we took the trail back to our cars. Good day + good hike + good people = great event... thanks everybody!!

PS if anyone elase has more photos to add to the album, email them to me